Welcome to the Archimedes School! To help you and your students have an enjoyable class experience at our school, please read the following policies:
Our Expectations From Parents and Students
1. Timely Tuition Payment
The Archimedes School relies on tuition to pay our rent and our instructors, and to purchase class materials and supplies - please pay tuition prior to the first class.
2. Complete Required Forms
The Registration Form (and Liability Release and Media Release - when needed) must be completed and returned to the Archimedes School prior to the first class meeting. Parents agree to inform the Archimedes School of changes in their contact information, including but not limited to email address, phone numbers, and street address, and changes to your student’s health such as allergies.
3. On Time Arrival and On Time Pick-up
Our instructors are busy preparing the classrooms for your students,
so please limit conversation with our instructors during this important transition time. If you would like to discuss your student’s progress, please send and email and we can arrange a time to talk. Because we do not have licensed childcare staff, our insurance company prohibits our instructors from watching students for more than five minutes before and after class. You can help us maintain our insurance by planning your errands carefully to allow for timely drop-off and pick-up.
Students should use the bathroom before class begins. The bathroom is shared with other building tenants and is located just across from the Archimedes School entrance. The instructors cannot escort students to the bathroom during class time.
4. Missed Group Classes
There are no refunds or prorated tuition for missed group classes. If space is available in another class (same grade in same week) your student may attend. Planned absences should be communicated in advance with the instructor. Parents may request in-class worksheets and homework from missed class.
5. Missed Private/Semi-private Sessions Classes
There are no refunds or prorated tuition for missed private/semi-private classes.
6. Rescheduling Private/Semi-private Sessions
We have at least 48 hours rescheduling policy for all private/semi-private sessions for any non-illness cases.
Plan A/A2/A4 - no more than one time rescheduling per quarter.
If there are more than one rescheduling you will be automatically moved to our Plan B payment plan.
If your child has a fever or is severely ill, stay at home – we will accept same day cancelation/rescheduling in those circumstances if it is received at least 2 hours before the scheduled sessions.
Canceled classes cannot be carried forward to the next quarter for Plan A.
7. Communication with Archimedes
Communication should be done exclusively in writing by email/texting for non-emergency situations or by phone (texting/calling) for emergency situations. Please check for emails frequently.
8. Student Behavior Expectations in the Classroom
Students are expected to:
speak politely and respectfully to Archimedes instructors, staff, other students at all times and to participate in instructor-guided discussions
treat all Archimedes property and materials with respect
remain in their seats at all times concentrating on the assigned task, working quietly, and not disturbing other students
assist and write at the white board only when asked by the instructor
take all materials and garbage with them when they leave the classroom
keep cell phones on silent/vibrate mode at all times
use the water dispenser with instructor permission
Archimedes instructors will inform parents of students with behavior issues. Persistent unacceptable behavior problems may result in a student being removed from the class
9. Expected Behavior on the Premises
The Archimedes School is located in the Redmond Office Center building and shares the building with several other businesses. To allow us to remain in this location, we must follow their building and parking lot policies. While on the premises,
students may not run and make noise in the hallways, stairs or parking lot,
parents should keep conversations with other parents to whispered tones in our lobby, hallways, stairs and parking lots,
parents and students should keep their phones in silent mode at all times,
parents should wait for their students in our lobby or in cars – please don’t wait in the hallway.
10. Food and allergies
Technology and food and water don’t mix. Please do not bring food, gum or candy into the classroom at any time. It is difficult to concentrate in class if your child is hungry – please make sure they have a meal or snack prior to class. Students may bring snacks and a water bottle to have in the lobby. It is very important that we are informed of any allergies or health conditions that your child may have.
Promises From Archimedes School
1. Qualified and Motivated Instructors
We see teaching as providing an opportunity for your students to discover concepts on their own. We focus on asking the right questions that will guide the students to the right answer.
2. Challenging and Enjoyable Classes
Our classes teach problem solving and critical thinking in interactive and investigative ways. Whether in our math classes or our programming classes, students will develop the important skill of finding the concept that will fit the problem they are trying to solve.
3. Communication About Your Student’s Progress and Class Observation
In order to stay focused on students’ learning, class time is reserved for students and Archimedes instructors. Between class time is reserved for preparing the classroom for the next group of students. We would be happy to discuss your child’ progress during an individual conference.
If you would like to observe a class session, please email us to arrange.
4. Class Supplies
Binders with your student's name and paper will be provided on the first day of class and should be brought to every class meeting. Pencils, erasers and sharpeners will be provided in class and are meant to stay at the school.
5. Class Cancellations
Archimedes School follows the Lake Washington School District inclement weather policy. If a class is cancelled due to inclement weather or instructor illness, a make-up class will be scheduled as soon as possible and parents will be notified by email.
6. Comfortable Waiting Area
Archimedes School provides a comfortable waiting area for its parents with several seats. Please keep conversations to whispered hush tones as talking can be distracting to our instructors and your students during class time.
7. Privacy Policy
All students’ records and parent information are confidential and will be used only for Archimedes School purposes. Student’s health information is due on enrollment and will be kept confidential.
8. Refunds
If you would like to withdraw your student from class and are requesting a refund, please notify us in writing, by email.
Group Classes:
- 75% of tuition will be refunded if withdrawal request is received before the first class meeting.
- 50% of tuition will be refunded if withdrawal request is received before the second class meeting.
- No tuition refund if withdrawal request is received after the second week.
Individual Classes:
- 100% of tuition will be refunded for already paid and scheduled classes one week after withdrawal notice.
Summer Camps:
- All our summer camps are set up to be paid in full 14 days before the start day.
When you register you can choose to pay only initial deposit of $75 which is not refundable in any circumstances and pay the balance no later than 2 weeks before the start day.
- 50% of tuition will be refunded if withdrawal request is received within 14 to 4 days before the first day of camp.
- No tuition will be refunded if withdrawal request is received in less than 4 days before the first day of camp.